I won't lie, I am about the worst at keeping this blog up. I keep forgetting about it!! Lana has been walking since August now. She has mastered running, climbing and saying 'no no no no'. Our poor dog Xena gets chased all day being patted and told no. Xena has a lot of patience, thank goodness, and is well tempered. I have never seen Xena snap at anything!! So much for Pit Bulls being dangerous! I know one of our neighbors would disagree since they put a dangerous dog flyer on all our other neighbors houses, but everyone knows Xena and ignored it all. One neighbor went running threw the neighborhood to take them down!
Larry and I are still studying hard. We are both in the process of getting certified as personal trainers. We both love lifting weights and being in the gym! Lifting together has really brought us closer, and it has taken over our lives! I love it though we can push each other and be each others best supporter. Its fun. We have both found a love for nurtition, which I am slowly chipping a degree away at.

Larry is still working for Sento, for RX America. He excels at it (even though he hates
it!) I am working at Express Scripts right now, as a copay exceptions tech. It isn't too bad of a job. Makes me a little grumpy at the whole pharmacutical industry. I feel for those older people that have saved and saved and barely get help!

School was put off this semester because lack of funding to pay for it. I have talked to the ROTC to help, but I might just go active now while Lana is young and finish school while I serve. We will see how that goes!
All in all everything is good and Larry and I are a good team. We compliment the other and are enjoying Lana and all of lifes little suprises!!
Lana is one child that keeps us very busy. She is
always wanting to read, draw and play. I look
forward to seeing her continue to develop!