We welcomes Maximus Myers McCracken on February 24th at 11:47AM. He was 21 1/4 inches and the hospital said he weighed 5lbs 15oz (which later was determined as a mistake). He actually weighed 7lbs and closer to 12 or 15 oz. He was a big boy :) He left the hospital at 7lbs 5oz. The labor was fairly easy and went quickly. I stayed home for most of the laboring which made it easier to relax.
Unfortunately the little guy decided to go potty while he was inside and the NICU team had to be called in case he swallowed the meconium. Not only did he swallow it but he swallowed too much amniotic fluid as well. The poor little guy spent the first couple of days in the NICU getting everything out of his lungs. Thankfully the staff at the Lovelace Women's Hospital is amazing and he was well taken care of. The staff at the hospital really impressed us and really kept us informed. We were able to bring little Maximus home on the 27th. He seems to be doing pretty good. He had a few respiratory problems while he was in the hospital but we haven't seen anything yet at home.
We are so happy to have him home with us. Lana has loved having her brother home and spends much of her time giving him kisses and wanting to just give him loves. She is always asking if she can hold him and likes to climb into the recliner with me while I feed him. She decided the other day she would suck on my arm. I asked her what she was doing and she said she was hungry. Apparently I leak milk everywhere. :)