Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I'm blue.......

So there is nothing like doing your homework and thinking your child is quietly playing or watching the T.V. I suppose for the first rule of parenting is: If you can not hear your child check on your child. A quiet child is always bound to be getting into something.

Larry and I were busy doing our homework the other day thinking how well behaved our little angel was being. Larry was on the phone when little miss angel comes up to me with blue hands. I was far from happy that she had colored her hands and left her in the living room with her daddy to get a baby wipe to clean. Needless to say a baby wipe was far from what we needed. When I made my way back to the living room I found Larry laughing as hard as he possibly could and Lana as embarrassed as can be. Not only did she manage to color her hands, and her mouth, she decided to color from her chest down to her pants. I couldn't believe her. She was a huge mess.

Our little artist in training. Why she had to pick herself as her the canvas I don't know.


Rachel said...

That's MARKER?!?!?!!?
Don't let her wander into a tattoo parlor anytime soon, ok?
Love ya!

Vicky said...

I about laughed my head off! That's so funny! I'm so glad you documented it. It's amazing what they get up to when you think they're playing quietly. Yesterday my visiting teacher was here showing me how to make/can applesauce and Benjamin shut himself in the bathroom. When I got to him he had filled his potty-training pot with my hair pins, hair ties, and the metal thing the toilet paper goes on, and filled it with water in the sink, as well as filled the trash can with water. Hope that marker was washable!

McCracken said...

Thanks guys! We also found it hilarious. It was hard to punish her for it. A nice impromptu bath took the marker off. I was surprised because this has happened before and I had a hard time getting it off.
Oh Vicky, I am glad I am not the only parent with a mischievous child!! I can't believe he filled so much up!!

Angela said...

sooo hilarious!!