Saturday, November 28, 2009


November has been an exciting month. Our pickle bug celebrated her 2nd birthday with lots of friends and family. I couldn't believe our little home held so many people. It was a great time and wonderful company! She really enjoyed being sung to and eating her cake.
The picture of the car above is from November 28th from the Twinkle Light Parade in Albuquerque. It was a lot of fun. The rain was a little bit of a bummer but we all stayed pretty warm and dry.

Of course it's that wonderful time of year when joy, thanksgiving and thoughtfulness is in the air. There is something about Christmas time that just makes the soul sing. For the McCracken household its time for lights. We have our house decorated and are sharing our joy with all who want to see it. We are hoping each year it can get bigger and better. Larry really enjoys putting up the lights and did a pretty fantastic job! We plan on putting our tree up here really soon. We seem to keep our selves so incredibly busy this year. Good news is that the semester is almost over for a nice little break!

We were able to spend Thanksgiving with my parents, sibilings, The McQuarries and Larry's parents; all at one time!! It was great. It was a feast with a lot of people. I couldn't imagine life any other way. I love being surround with people that I love and love me. After the big gathering, Larry and were able to make it to his Grandma Smith's house to again, be surrounded by wonderful loving company. We showed up a little early and were able to visit and hear cool stories from Grandma. it was a great Thanksgiving and we truly are grateful for all the blessings in our life. Our 1 1/2 kids, who have really brought us joy, for the gospel, for repentance, for family, for school and the support we give each other to make all our dreams come true.

1 comment:

Vicky said...

Nina, what a great post. Gave me warm fuzzies. Lana is so cute with that cake!