Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Since I have been pregnant, Larry and I have been a lot better about our time management. I have tried to incorporate more baking into my time. I really love cooking/baking and being in the kitchen. The best part is Larry gets such a sweet tooth when I am pregnant so all my goodies have a place to go. I found this website on my friend Jessica's blog and took a look at all the cute ideas for treats. I found this recipe for pumpkin bites that look so magically delightful. I thought I would share it with everyone, since they look so dangerous. I hope to make them here soon. When I do I will let everyone know how they are.

1 comment:

Angela said...

I am the pumpkin queen! i love love pumpking and love baking and have done several new pumpkin recipes.. i'll have to try these!